The largest egg processing industry
in Latin America has come to you

We export to Asia, Africa and South America
Production capacity of 5 million eggs a day
We serve over 100 industries around the world
Over 250 employees


We are specialists in cAGE FREE eggs

Whole Egg, Egg Yolk and Egg White
Whole Egg, Egg Yolk and Egg White
netto CONVERSION calculator
Find out the exact amount of product used to replace each raw egg.
Select the product
Enter the number of eggs:
Large eggs (60g each).

We work with some of the best cage free farms in Latin America

Get to know about Netto Alimentos Company

We are Netto alimentos, a Brazilian Company working with the nature’s most complete food, egg. We export to several countries all over the world, always valuing the quality and safety of our products.

FSSC 22000

It is an International certification system, recognized by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI), aimed at Food Safety throughout the entire supply chain.


Based on the Certified Humane Raised & Handled Certification program standards, which include antibiotic or hormone-free balanced nutrition, animal shelters and resting areas and adequate space for the natural manifestation of each species.
Unidade Iacri SP
Rod. Vicinal Paschoal Guastali, km 1.8
B. Jurema - Zip Code 17680-000

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